Thursday, August 6, 2009

Hire A Healthcare Speaker - More Tips

If you’re a meeting planner looking to hire a professional health care speaker, here are some crucial “insider insights”. Simple facts you need to know…

Use the internet…
Meeting planners in the "know" shop for professional speakers online. Always start with the healthcare speakers video. Professional health care speakers will have a few minutes of online video footage which you can view right now. Bear in mind that the speaker can't cram all his/her topics into a brief video clip. The majority keynote speakers have a variety of speech titles you can choose from - think about the footage on the video as a good depiction of their speaking style.

If you're amused at what you see on a keynote speaker's video, don't instinctively put them in the "funny but no substance" group. Remember, important does not have to mean "boring". Just because your audience is laughing doesn't mean they're not learning! Many event planners equate serious with important. This is an additional, frequently made mistake. Don't mistake the power of the knowledge with the seriousness of the seminar.

How’s your health care speaker’s customer service?
If the answer is "Bad," choose a different healthcare speaker. Mull this over: If a speaker’s team aren't motivated to provide excellent customer service, what are the odds the speaker him or herself will inspire your health care staff to achieve professional excellence? My guess, the chances are poor.

Reduce Your budget…
In a matter of fact way, ask your prospective health care speaker to cover his or her own travel expenses, preventing any last second "hits" to your conference budget. (Courtesy of a speaker who runs up a big hotel bill; doesn’t happen regularly, but intelligent to take precautions.)

Here’s the big one…
Don't elect to forgo a professional healthcare speaker and ask someone in-house to give the opening keynote speech (no matter how "brilliant" the individual.) Expecting a “wet behind the ears” orator to grab the attention of (and invigorate) a big audience for sixty minutes or more is totally ridiculous. It's a guaranteed way to end up humiliated!

Finding the right health care speaker…
Tips like the ones I've given you here will make all the difference between a stellar event and a total washout.

Healthcare Speakers – Addressing The Changes In Healthcare

Healthcare is undergoing a shift of seismic proportions. Healthcare leaders need to update themselves on the latest trends in change management. In addition, rampant organizational and industry change produces extreme anxiety. If you’re looking to hire a healthcare speaker, keep these important “hot” issues top of mind.

Some meeting planners choose to enlist the services of a healthcare speakers bureau, others don't. (Frankly, with the easy availability of speaker information online, choosing to work with a bureau or “go it alone” has become somewhat of a moot point.) Far more importantly…

Your healthcare meeting theme
It's imperative that event professionals have clearly thought through the goals of their impending conference. It’s vital that these meeting objectives are pondered early in the speaker selection process. My advice: At the bare minimum, figure out your theme. Otherwise, selecting a healthcare speaker can be head-spinning.

Speaking to the healthcare speaker
It’s equally important to be open to the ideas of the healthcare speakers themselves. Be attentive to the core of what your prospective healthcare speakers are about. In other words, just because they might be discussing team building in the video clip you happen to be watching, this isn’t necessarily their central message.

An important question to answer is: What core message does each of our healthcare keynote speakers have and how might it relate to our symposium? The best way to find this out is simply to pick up the telephone and ask.

Watch out for best selling authors…
A recent fad you should be wary of is hiring a is hiring a best selling author in lieu of a professional healthcare speaker. This can be a great move, but generally isn’t. Many of these “recently famous” authors have name recognition (simply because of their books,) but are not in any way skillful speakers. No doubt, they understand their areas of expertise, but aren't able to exhibit it on the stage in an exciting manner.

Incidentally, this is also accurate for the vast majority of 'industry experts'. They may well have an out-of-the-ordinary viewpoint on an incredibly specialized section of an industry but not possess the platform skills to captivate an audience. Watch out!

Final point…
If a healthcare conference is going to be heavily themed, one way to supply continuity and flow is by having an entertainer to emcee the full meeting. This person would complete all the introductions and walk offs in addition to making all public announcements. Also, meetings that are incredibly top-heavy with information are improved by using this approach. Using a skilled performer in this manner can make an otherwise exceedingly tedious program infinitely more agreeable. At the very least, consider hiring a funny healthcare speaker!